Wednesday, September 17, 2008


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Dancing w/ the Stars

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Friday, September 12, 2008

Which Disney Character Are You?

You are Pluto. You are silent and loyal to your friends. Perhaps a bit TOO loyal. You usually do as they say and do it happily. You will follow about wherever they lead you.

Find Your Character @

Hello Everybody

I'm in 1st grade. I went ice skating and I haven't for a long time. Every Sunday we try to go to my grandma's and grandpa's. It is fun. I had a great summer. I love to swim. My friend Chasity, she came over and visited and slept over at my house, and we had a sleep over at my friend Morgan's w/ Chasity and Alexa. I try to make my mom happy when she's mad. Her name is Emily. My two brothers are funny, they are Tyler and Patch. My sister, she is funny too. Her name is Alexa. Sometimes she cries. The end.
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